* Us *

We are a bunch of lamers and pervertic crappers, who, under the tyranncy of Mrs Chu, united and formed a strong bond that can never be destroyed... (no, actually all above-mentioned is fake. Hey, weren't you listening when we said we were lamers and crappers?)

* Profiles *

Bert ~ NYGH : loves tanning herself : sixer : likes korean shows : enjoys designing webbies : damn skinny : baddie(hehehehe) : loves squabbling with Seline Chan

Yaling ~ Andersonian : Weird/freaky/original/whatever way you wanna see it : Tall : Likes crapping : Hates netball prac : avid Jay fan : likes messing about with HTML/CSS : loves neopets

Mary ~ 27/8/90 : RGS-er : tarbetian : 109 2003 : still looking for her true destiny : wannabe UFOlogist/archaelogist

Pohchoon ~ CHS Freak : 2/13/90 : Failure : Tall, Fat And Chubby : Crappy : Has Loads Of Rubbish To Say : Cheeky : Evil : Wannabe Teacher

Yuen Hung ~ 3/9/90 : RGS/101 gurl : tootified : likes blue, slacking

Seline ~ NYGH : likes tanning & all kinds of music x-cept heavy metal : can crap 4 hrs : potential tagboard spammer

Yuxi ~ NYGH : enjoys crapping & breaking into hysterical laughter : loves to jump about doing nothing : inspired a lot by the literature bk, Alchemist : likes to go mad and visit Woodbridge

Audrey ~ clever/intelligent/high IQ *pukes* : loves all kinds of sports and likes music : wannabe teacher? athelete?

Grace ~ NYGH tenner : lame : crapper : cute and adorable : tanned : loves being under the sun : likes going to the beach : Energy fanatic

Liang Xun ~ TCHS : further known as Lokky, or on a more intimate note, Xunxun, according to Yiling, who was thinking according to Hui Bin : TCHS virtual reality pioneer : Sleeps damn late at night : can sms like siao : lousy at organising things : lousy crapper

* Links *

Sie Mun
Poh Choon
6A class photos

* Archives *

10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

* Tagboard *

We use this more than we use the blog.

Powered by TagBoard Message Board

URL or Email

Messages (smilies)

* Saturday, November 29, 2003 *

My god, what the hell...

My computer got some problem... I think with the CPU.. then it's like everytime I use it in 20 mins the whole thing will hang... like frozen liddat. And I wont be able to get it repaired this week I think, because we going Bintan on Tue ma, and the stupid Dell not working on Sat n Sun. Ma de.. and now I using my sis's computer, but damn it lah, got some stupid security settings dont enable me to play neopets properly, like got some stuff and place I cannot go, and if I cannot do those things or go those places I might as well die... and I dunno where to change the settings.. the last time I tried nothing worked... and my sis doesnt even have msn. So I am literally cut off from the world!!! My GOD... WHAT TO DO? I will DIE without my computer. And what if the whole thing like, CRASHES, and everything inside is like GONE? They cant be GONE, that's 20 plus hours of MUSIC!!! And all my images and STUFF...

Our Aim saw stars at 8:47 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Friday, November 28, 2003 *

Now then I realised what was so weird about our 6A blog... The idiot who created the tests forgot to close font tag for all the answers and images. Then our font all turn size. So stupid... I go and make ok liao... Hmmm...

So your got any tou xu about when the shi zi lu kou will be on?

Our Aim saw stars at 5:40 PM

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* Wednesday, November 26, 2003 *

Hmm...i not so sure abt the bird thing but i rmb tt time i was very angry lor...cuz mrs ng said sth like,"this is not an aviary and if u all are so caring,u can go somewhere else" I mean the school wants us to be caring and kind rite??And there she goes,asking us to go somewhere else to be caring...what a bad example for students *shakes head*

And tt toopit lok...hao sms bu sms but go and sms me at the time tt i juz nice going to fall asleep...and nvm,all his sms are in chinese...and everytime he reply back juz nice i dozing off to sleep...-__________-"

G saw stars at 8:27 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Winnie The Pooh... OMG!!!

Are you Addicted to the Internet?


Average@Internet-User.com (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

This One Bu Zhun De...!


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!


The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Simi Lai De???

Quiz Me
Ng Poh Choon spins tunes as
DJ Indecent Bootie

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

Indecent....... I Very Innocent One...

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

Cute And Sweet.. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com

I Thought I Was A Pumpkin Pie? ( Not Tu Bao Zi Can Liao XD )

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

Awwwwww... =D~

Quiz Me
Ng Poh Choon was
a Charming Juggler
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

It Says Im Attractive For The First Try...Yiling Saw It.. Now Im Chaming *pukes with delight*

Dun Have Liao.... If Have I Post Again!!! ^____^

Joab saw stars at 3:54 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Tuesday, November 25, 2003 *

OoOooOo... I am feeling so good... she hacked my pohchoon1990 email again.. OoOoO... i dunno i got the "mei li" to make some one admire me and hack me all day long... OhHh la La ^___^ Lol... popo going mad le... byebye

Joab saw stars at 2:52 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Monday, November 24, 2003 *

Lok!! u sound so sissy over the phone...i thought it was ur mum lor-_________-|| And not our fault mah....cuz u noe...*winks at lin* hahah...okok...stop that crap...

The shi zi lu kou thing is POSTPHONED not CANCELLED.And it is definately not just because of Bert alone...There are other reasons like there is no boys/sissies going so it wun be like a gathering at all plus only 14 ppl can make it..

yups...that's abt all...

G saw stars at 9:20 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Sunday, November 23, 2003 *

Wah!!! Chongfu bu yao si!! It's still our old school!!!!

Must be that stupid golden pig hai one!!! She totally irritating lor... jia xing xing.. still remember what she did (or rather, did NOT do) to the poor bird.. need Ms Sam go and send to SPCCA herself... Freaky golden pig.. even my mom say she sux.. I want back Mr Chong!! He very nice!! (But he die liao, so impossible... =*( Choi later he at night come back)

Our Aim saw stars at 10:40 PM

* * * * * * * * *

AwWwWwwWwW... This Is So -______-"!

This Is The Popular Golden Pig -_________-"!

Joab saw stars at 5:22 PM

* * * * * * * * *

"Chongfu Primary aspires to produce quality pupils who are analytical, creative and innovative, ready to face the challenges of the new millennium. At the class level, a more conscious effort will be made by teachers to develop our pupils to be self-reliant thinkers. No longer will students be passive receptors regurgitating information, but active participants taking responsibility in their own quest for knowledge. "

HAHA I'm 100% sure all these comes from Mrs ng...who else??yah...i got so bored that i went to look around...the chongfu web i have lots to say about it....THE DESIGN IS SO UGLY!omg....olive green and yellow??whoever who did that page have no colour sense...+ the pics all cannot be viewed...and the banner doesn't even fade well enough...and they dun even keep up the site!!

I totally agree wif wad yaling said...I think that gold pig is way too much...she gave them a scolding cuz this yr chongfu haf no top scholar!SO?U have a top scholar last yr this yr muz oso haf one too??kaoz....cannot stand her!!!Oh yah...I'm so proud of May!!!270!!not bad not bad...got voted outstanding pupil oso....hahah...

G saw stars at 12:28 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Saturday, November 22, 2003 *

Let me, as the one of the webmasters of this blog, remind everyone here that you cannot slander/accuse/malign/whatever-way-you-want-to-see-it anyone without proof. Get it? Concrete proof. And it's no good making it SO obvious who the person is. Even when you do not put in the name.

I think, no matter how angry you are, you cannot accuse ** of being the hacker who hacked you. Because firstly, you have no reason to believe that, other than the fact that ** hacked me a year ago. I could safely say it's her, as I have very concrete proof, and ** really isnt a very good liar.

Spreading news about CMF.. well, to say a word of fairness, I believe all of us laugh at him. Dont say you dont. (Let's face it, if you dont even CHUCKLE, you have no sense of humour) Exactly what news were spread etc? Once again, we need proof. And facts. Lots of information. I really cannot believe anything that is just thrown into my face, written with a pinch of meaness, without anything to back it up.

I'm sorry I have to put it so clearly, and please do not percieve the message to be mean or spiteful. I just want to make it clear to everyone.

Hmm.. this year Chongfu score very badly leh!!! Only 277. :( Aww.. poor little golden pig and poor little golden swallow must be so mad... Honestly, do I care? ^_^ But shi you yi dian diu ming yu la. Haiz, to think the swallow didnt treasure us when we were there... we were DEFINITELY the best batch ever at Chongfu! And she almost gave our top scorer a BETA form when he talked back at her... Oh no no no... Imagine her EM4 batch scoring so well! She must have fainted when the results were released last year.

Awww.. and the cutsie little Gracie! How many times did her Mom get called to school? How many times did Mrs Chu scream at her? How many times did Mrs Chu imply that Gracie darling wouldnt score well? She might as well just save her saliva a year ago.. because our darling Gracie emerged with 270, NYGH, eh? And she say what ta bu hui kan cuo ren... something like she take so many students before she know all our characters... *rolls eyes*

Oh, and dearest little Xunxun!! How meanly Mrs Chu treated him... I remember some BETA threatening too, do I not? (Got or not huh?) But still got 278 (this is what he tels me, he may be lying for all I know =P) eh? Not that BETA-suitable liao, eh?

Oh, and the cutest Xin Ge! Mrs Chu yell her head off over Ge's Science, Chinese and English, eh? But what did Gege do? She gave her a 274, 4 A*, 1 HMT distinction and a very shocking heart attack, i suppose. I am very proud of Ge!! (BOO HOO!! o.-'')

So really... what can we conclude from the above statistics?

Deng Yiling craps a lot when she is bored.

Our Aim saw stars at 11:12 PM

* * * * * * * * *

i think all the boys are gays lor...for the shi zi lu kou hor 1 dun go the rest dun o....only the pathetic 2 boys going...so now lok has to be the xiao tian shi-______-||can be more enthu onot??the girls' side very good...no chain reaction or wad...anyway popo,u muz be more careful lor...and dun anyhow send hate mails or say ppl bhb...maybe that person who hacked u was someone u accidentally scolded online or wad??i dun think ** will do it lar...cuz she like nv keep contact wif us liao....

G saw stars at 6:19 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Here is the midi for Gui Ji.. Gui Ji is a superb song, by, who else, but JAY... Try it.. :)

Our Aim saw stars at 1:13 AM

* * * * * * * * *

~ Popo
~ Doing : Was Totally Mad And Bonkers
~ Winamp : No Mood Listen
~ Time : 12.36p.m.
~ Felling : Bonky

My Blogger Account Was Hacked.

My Email Account Was Hacked.

My Neopets Account Was Hacked.

And After I Restarted 5 Hours Later, It Was Frozen Without Any Valid Reason.

I Sound Calm Now, But In My Heart I Was Thinking Whether I Should Just Commit Suicide.

Yaling Said I Could Not Write Anything To Insult People Liao, And I Should Listen To Her, As We Are Here To Crap, Not To Insult People, But Sometimes When We Could Not Control Ourself, We Will Be More Vicious Than Usual.

This incident happened one year ago. I shall just write down the summary, that *person* hacked yiling acc. And yiling merged neopets account with me. becos of her, both our accounts containing about roughly 1.5-2mil was frozen. That was ok, we could restart easily. But tt *person* also hacked our email accounts. Changing the passwords and secret question to who am i? That was fine again, as we could make a new one. I nv knew tt *person* would be so vicious. We were classmates for 1yr... must that *person* do tt to us? I never knew that *person* was so despicable and unscrupulous, she was a total disappointment.

Today, i went to my neopets acc. It was again frozen. It says i posted sexual mails on board. Well, it's all right. There goes my 15 throphy of hard work, 700k pure nps, 2mil of items, 75room neohome, size 100 shop, size 50 deck, hp:165 pet. It was fine, i can restart again. I was frozen 5mil. 5MIL OF HARD WORK! Sorry, i lose control. but again, it was all right. I started again. I know it was that *person* who did it. cause my pohchoon90 secret question was who am i? who would be so idiot to put tt? tt *person* of course.

Well. i restarted. Spend 5hrs. Getting 2 trophy. And Had One million np and items in tt acc. Again, i was frozen, it says i used cheat programmes. Cool, i had one million a day, and it says i used cheat programmes. Fine. This time i cant stand it. and so im typing this message.

The matter has already past for one year. Why did that person have to break the hearts of her friends. I mean once friends. I could not believe my luck, but have to believe in fate. I was utterly disappointed

To the point, that person even hacked into my blogger account, insulted yiling a bitch, and liang xun a bastard. That person only has two words , bitch and bastard in that person dictionary, due to poor english vocab and usage. Well, im no better, but that person was worst.

I am now utterly mad. Imagine a person frozen twice a day?

Imagine a person lose everything in a day?

Imagine a person losing their mind?

That would be me soon =)

P.S. I have not used obsence language, and this was just a piece of essay. Have fun reading.

Joab saw stars at 12:51 AM

* * * * * * * * *

* Friday, November 21, 2003 *

Buay hiao bai. You dare to say that. To ME.

In what way am I buay hiao bai? If anyone should be shameless, or doesnt know he/she is shameless, it should be you, dont you think?

You know very well who is the shameless one around here. FUCKER.

Our Aim saw stars at 3:27 PM

* * * * * * * * *

~ Popo
~ Doing : Thinking Of What To Wrtie
~ Winamp : Ai De Zheng Hao
~ Time : 12.20p.m.
~ Felling : Cool, Happy And Delighted...

HeeHee... Suffering From Serious Mental Disorder... Needs To Eat Cheesy Crust Pizza!!! Eh.. You All Can Post Your Address Here, I Post Christmas Card... Dun Make Me Call You!! I Will *bu hao yi si* De ^___^!!!

Yaling Sometimes A Little BHB *buay hiao bai* Meaning = Dunno wad is shameless... LMAO... No Offence... But If She Really Talk To You, Then You And Her Will Be Lesbians -___-"!

The shi zhi lu kou hor... i want eat eat eat... even the host also eat.. eat...eat...eat AND EAT non-stop, Sorry... i just told you i suffering from mental disorder -_____-"! Wanna faint liao

S.H.E Songs


Yuan Fang

Luo Da Yu

Ban Tang Zhu Yi


He Bin Gong Yuan

Ni Tai Cheng Shi

Chang Xiang Si

Bei Ou Shen Hua

Gei Wo Duo Yi Dian

Watch Me Shine

Mei Li Xin Shi Jie

Lian Ren Wei Man

Hua Dou Kai Hao Le

Beauty Up My Life

Ai Qing De Hai Yang

Always On My Mind

Bai Se Lian Ge

Cui Mian Shu

Re Dai Yu Lin

Wu Ke Qu Dai

Xia Tian De Wei Xiao

Ai Wo De Zhi Ge

I Know Now Very Sianz... So If You All Wanna Any Of These Songs... Come Tell Me... I Send You And The Purpose Of Writing This Message Is To Flood The Blog ^___^

Have A Nice Day, Buaiz!

Anonymous saw stars at 12:31 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Wednesday, November 19, 2003 *

About the next class gathering.....(juz repeating my earlier msg)

Date: 25th Nov 2003

Time: 10a.m.(ending time not confirmed) should be around 2 to 6

Things to bring along:
-Money(around $10-$20)
-Ez link card(wif value of at least $5)
-umbrella(in case it rains)

tt should be abt all.....juz bring wadever u think it is suitable lor...

*Shi zi lu kou
-->estimated cost: $10 for each person(cost depends on wad ur group eats cuz the total cost is shared among u all)
--estimated time: 4-5 hrs(if nobody get lost)

*Captain's ball

G saw stars at 9:27 PM

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* Tuesday, November 18, 2003 *

Oh yes that conversation was shown to me at the beginning of the yr or sth... i tot it was hilarious.. Weiying veri poor thing rite.. wanna play joke joke on better choice ma, like me :) but she choose this type.. tsk tsk tsk.. too lousy liao. Never mind.. hmm..

But i dunno y that conversation was kept until now leh..? too mesmerizing to throw away, wahaha. =D

Oh yes I'm here to promote my Prince Andrea Alberto Pierre Casiraghi website.. you can go here to view it... there are pictures =D Delightful pictures.

Our Aim saw stars at 5:49 PM

* * * * * * * * *

~ Popo
~ Doing : Thinking Of What To Wrtie
~ Winamp : Bosson - One In A Million
~ Time : 5.00p.m. ( By the time i type finish 5.30p.m. liao )
~ Felling : Cool, Happy And Delighted...

Hello!!! I almost got 2 whole weeks never blog liao *sayang bloggie* dunno when i will blog again...

First i will start with a conversation tt i have shown no one... it happens about mths ago? i saved it down cause it's utterly atrocious!!!

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi darling
hi...poh choon says:
i luv u
hi...poh choon says:
wun u break up wif yr gf
hi...poh choon says:
and luv me instead?
hi...poh choon says:
all dese r fr e bottom of moi warm heart
hi...poh choon says:

hi...poh choon says:
%13I love you
hi...poh choon says:
%13I love you
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
i cannot hear
hi...poh choon says:

hi...poh choon says:
on speaker u toooooooooooooooot
hi...poh choon says:

hi...poh choon says:

hi...poh choon says:
wun u love me??
hi...poh choon says:
and hug me??
hi...poh choon says:
and go pa tuo wif me???
hi...poh choon says:
pretty please?
hi...poh choon says:
with choc coated cherry on top
hi...poh choon says:
we can watch the stars together and french under the sky
hi...poh choon says:
how romantic
hi...poh choon says:

º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
i m serious
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
i'll call u now
hi...poh choon says:
to tell u abt my luv
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
send mi a kiss
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
i u
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
u playing truth or dare
hi...poh choon says:
poh choon, go out wif me....
hi...poh choon says:
lets have affair
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
I hang liaox
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
Cost u playing
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
I not so boliao
hi...poh choon says:
not truth or dare
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
i haf nv been so serious
hi...poh choon says:
honestly lah
hi...poh choon says:
i really really like youuuuuuuuuuuu
hi...poh choon says:
say u like me too
hi...poh choon says:
dun u think i'm pretty
hi...poh choon says:
and sexy?
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
U dun play har
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
U want play
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
i play wif u
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
@-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}---
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
Darling give u want
hi...poh choon says:
i really like you
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
i mean HONEY
hi...poh choon says:
darling yr so sweet
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hm, i shall have an affair with liu hui
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
then u can come in
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
(¯`·.(¯`·.(¯`·.( Weiying ).·´¯).·´¯).·´¯)
hi...poh choon says:
and we can have a threesome
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . .
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
(¯`·.(¯`·.(¯`·.( Weiying ).·´¯).·´¯).·´¯)
(_.·´(_.·´(_.·´( Weiying )`·._)`·._)`·._)
hi...poh choon says:
oh darling
hi...poh choon says:
i luve u
hi...poh choon says:
*muackz* *muackz* *muackz*
hi...poh choon says:
*muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz* *muackz*
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
I send a Giant......Extra Super Large.....and Really nifty Huggle your way Weiying
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
*huggy back*
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
Pohchoon does a ¤ø(SloW)ø¤ø(LonG)ø¤ø(PeNeTRaTiNG)ø¤ø(TonSiL-TiCkLiN)ø¤ø(HaIr-fRizZiN)ø¤ø(ToE-CuRLiN)ø¤ø(NeRve-JaNgLiN)ø¤ø(LiFe-aLTeRiN)ø¤ø(UnStOpPaBLe)ø¤ø(TiGhT)ø¤ KiSS oN WeIyInG LiPS!!!
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
no, i really like u!!
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
no lying
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
u have scanner?
hi...poh choon says:
can scan piccy for me??
hi...poh choon says:
i print and paste on the wall!!
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
yr photo!
hi...poh choon says:
i want it!
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
why wun u like me....
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
dun u noe how much i love u?
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
i always wanted to go out wif u
hi...poh choon says:
stop dotting u ass
hi...poh choon says:
ooh, i like yr ass
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:

Waiting for hi...poh choon to accept the file "Pohchoon.jpg" (15 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer.

Transfer of file "Pohchoon.jpg" has been accepted by hi...poh choon. Starting transfer...

Transfer of "Pohchoon.jpg" is complete.

º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
oh u r so shuai
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
wad the heck.
hi...poh choon says:
i lyk u
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
i noe i very siao and boliao sometimes
hi...poh choon says:
but i really like u u noe
hi...poh choon says:
dump yr gf
hi...poh choon says:
and marry me!!!
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
dun be boliao
hi...poh choon says:
ok lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hi...poh choon says:
so i lyk u
hi...poh choon says:
and u dun lyk me
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
and ask yiwei and liu hui to stop giggling back there
hi...poh choon says:
and u think i siao

hi...poh choon says:
i m not giggling!!!
hi...poh choon says:
u toooooooooooooooooot
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
this is yiweiiiiiiii
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
yiwei luvs u
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
i shall fight with yiwei now
hi...poh choon says:
i luv u dear
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
tok to u later, pretty boy
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:

º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . .
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
oi handsome
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
not pretty
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
like barbie doll
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . .
hi...poh choon says:
ken doll
hi...poh choon says:
not barbie
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
ken doll head on barbie body
hi...poh choon says:
now THATS sexy!!
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
i have to go now............................ i want pull liu huis hair
hi...poh choon says:
bb PRETTY boy
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
. . . . . . . .
hi...poh choon says:
remember my love and affection for you
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
You carefully walk in and pick up a plush toy from the pile of treasure and use it to smack thailand bum!

hi...poh choon says:
ooh lala!
hi...poh choon says:
you naughty boy.............
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
i like you anyway
hi...poh choon says:
bb dear
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
if i show yiling wad u wrote
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
she will HA HA HA
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
I am saving down this conversation
hi...poh choon says:
save lah i dun care
hi...poh choon says:
im saving this for yr girlfren
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
i noe sth you donnnnnnnnt!!!
º°(¯`v´¯)°º Wen.Shi.Jian.Qing.Wei.He.Wu Zhi.Jiao.Ren.Sheng.Shi.Xiang.Xu º°(¯`v´¯)°º says:

hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:
hi...poh choon says:

Anonymous saw stars at 5:16 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Monday, November 17, 2003 *

Yoyoyo! Me here 2 promote my new blog layout at www.shadowmist.blogspot.com!!

And 2 clear things up... NETBALL IS DIFF FROM CAPTAIN'S BALL!

Netball got shooter capt's ball don haf!! n netball can b played by girls only (though it doesnt make much diff here since we r all females) but capt's ball is a mixed sport.

Play capt's ball better since none of us noe how 2 shoot the netball way (although i m training as a shooter, but i cant shoot nonetheless), n 2 shoot into the 2m pole is u muz stand still, aim n in the ball goes. Not like bball can move. Oh well.

SO IT'S CAPT'S BALL NOT NETBALL!! *intense liao*

Me bored ma......... NEOPETS DOWN AGAIN, WAT SHLD I DO???? *screams n jumps all around the room pulling out Gabriel's hair*

Our Aim saw stars at 1:27 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Sunday, November 16, 2003 *

Me got problem wif my own blog liaoz, no time 2 bother wif 6A's blog...

Whey, me suggest CAPTAIN'S BALL after shi zi lu kou, issit OKAY or not? It shld b fun. I nv play capt's ball wif 6A b4. Boys against Girls. Fair enuff rite? O ya all the basketballers muz take note hor, no bouncing/walking about wif the ball. Got 3 second penalty one leh. U catch, u throw... =) Good thing me netball one. Yay! Me noe all the rules :)

Our Aim saw stars at 10:41 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Saturday, November 15, 2003 *

Me watched Xun Zhao Zhou Jie Lun 2day! Well, sadly, Jay ROX, but the movie sux 2 the core. For more reviews go to www.shadowmist.blogspot.com.

Me suggest captain's ball after shi zi lu kou on 18th.

Our Aim saw stars at 10:24 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Friday, November 14, 2003 *

I change liao... and I never save the previous layout HTML, so you're gonna have to live with this one =) It's nice wat!!! My taste not bad one leh!!!

Our Aim saw stars at 6:41 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Me kan the dolphin kan until veri sian liao... so i m going to change layout... it's really nice, i think if u like this dolphin u shld like that 2.. got nth 2 do wif animals.. it's called the road to success... even though i m sure none of us will b successful, it is ok 2 dream. :)

Our Aim saw stars at 6:00 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Thursday, November 13, 2003 *

ok..i'm here to tell u abt the next class gathering...i oso dunno why so bo liao and go and interfere and now i'm stuck and cannot play along=(

Date: 25th Nov 2003(wad u expect?2004 ah??)

Time: 10a.m.(ending time not confirmed) should be around 2 to 6

Things to bring along:
-Money(around $10-$20)
-Ez link card(wif value of at least $5)
-umbrella(in case it rains)

tt should be abt all.....juz bring wadever u think it is suitable lor...

*Shi zi lu kou
-->estimated cost: $10 for each person(cost depends on wad ur group eats cuz the total cost is shared among u all)
--estimated time: 4-5 hrs(if nobody get lost)

*(not confirmed) Going east coast or pasir ris (lokky's idea...)
-->everything is unknown

G saw stars at 9:21 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Wednesday, November 12, 2003 *

liangxun, i almost fainting noW!!!u noe s'pore has so many food centres???

wah kaoz lor...i thot only got a few...maybe 5-10 but turn out got 20+!!!!AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and i found out so much abt the roads and mrt lines in singapore....-_____________-||....okok....i damn desperate....anyone wants to help??!!!I'm going bonkers........

ok...anyone can help me get a copy of s'pore map where i can vandalize one...i can't seems to be able to draw my own map....


liangxun,can u save the img??if can send it to me...

G saw stars at 11:18 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Tuesday, November 11, 2003 *





HE LOOKS LIKE A YANG GUANG NAN HAI!! SOME BEACH BOY WHO GOES AROUND THINKING "There's the sun, the clouds, the sea, I'm swimming, surrounded by pretty girls, I'm happy, this is my life and I like it" THAT TYPE!!! MY GOD!!! GOD GOD!!!!!

Our Aim saw stars at 11:19 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Me thinking Shi Zi Lu Kou workable.. but wat shld we search for? Search 4 food def cannot la... sure got ppl suddenly gif up on game n go pig out one... then entice the others 2 join.. plus we all church mousies.. unless anyone's KIND AND GENEROUS mother wanna supply us with an everlasting lifetime of banknotes?

Me thinking of changing layout for this blog.. anyone for the idea? Against the idea? Post on taggy. Wanna recommend layouts oso can.. Oh yes, those who haf blogs plz post n tell me so i can link all of ur.. yes.. that's all..

Tml's sports day i think i not going liao lah.. Grace not going *sob* so i oso not going. Got chain/domino effect one. =) Ta daz for now.


Our Aim saw stars at 10:49 PM

* * * * * * * * *

hahaz....yuxi,i told him the idea of the script le....i din noe he was writing such bo liao stuff...cannot blame him hor??cuz he tian sheng bo liao.....

field trip=) quite ok...we always dun like to go on field trip wif tenners cuz hor got some !@#$%^& ppl...heehee...no offence hor....but 6A generally ok...cuz those !@#$%^ dun show their faces mahz....my books arrived le!!shall be guai and study=)

G saw stars at 1:22 PM

* * * * * * * * *

New bloggie--------->


hey...rmb to link me hor...

G saw stars at 1:20 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Monday, November 10, 2003 *

WAH Bert.. yuan lai ni shi na me de XING GAN... ling Pr 5 girls zhao mi..

MY GOD.. the girl muz b sexually deprived!! Where got ppl ballet lesson go n XIA SHOU ONE?? Eww hai mo lai mo qu.. Mayb she a bit sot in the head...? Nex yr PSLEs liao ma.. mayb study until screw loose then muz fa xie... that's y cannot resist Bert... I won blame her ah, look at Mrs Chu.. i surprised Ivan n Gabriel nv commit sex crime yet ah.. then the girls (not so despo, we still mantain our DIGNITY) all flock to IMH in groups... so muz blame Mrs Chu for the physical and mental torture she implement on us...

Our Aim saw stars at 2:36 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Sunday, November 09, 2003 *

liang xun.can dun everything put into yahoo group??u see, many of us dun have yahoo acc. so we cannot access to it....juz post wad u need to say abt class gathering and details on all 3 places...linlin,i oso the same as u...itching to do sth....now watching vcds....hong dou nu zi lian and marmalade boy....now vcd player go sot so watching wif my com...then very sian watching marmalade boy cuz muz see tt ken chu's face...tt guy who acted in hong dou nu zi lian is so shuai!!!ahhh!!!!!!i dunno who is he though.....

G saw stars at 12:37 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Saturday, November 08, 2003 *

back wif more stuff to keep u from boredom....


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6


Translated english


G saw stars at 6:04 PM

* * * * * * * * *

some stuff to keep u all from boredom....i'm dying of boredom soon...someone HELP!!!!!
Things You Would Never Know Without Indian Movies

1. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beatings but will wince when a woman tries to cleanse his wounds.

2. The hero cannot fall in love with the heroine (vice versa)unless they first perform a dance number in the rain.

3. Once applied, make-up is permanent, in rain or in any other situation.

4. Two lovers can be dancing in the field and suddenly, 100 people will appear from God-knows-where and join them in the dance.

5. In the final scene, the hero will discover that the bad guy whom he was up against was actually his brother and the maid who looked after him was his mother and the chief inspector was his father and the Judge was his uncle and so forth.

6. Key English words used in the movie (usually said out loud between sentences) are "No Problem!", "My God!", "Get out!", "Shut-up!", "Impossible!", "Please forgive me!".

7. They drop down to the ground and roll and roll while singing and leap to their feet in different clothings.

8. They can run around the coconut trees, singing, battling eyelids and throwing glances at each other and change clothes all at the same time without getting out of breath.

Things You Would Never Know Without Chinese Sword-Fighting Serials

1. Being the hero' s parents is always unlucky and will usually be killed by enemies when the hero is young and the hero will become an orphan.

2. When a man is wounded and dying, he always manages to catch his breath and speak a few sentences to reveal the killer before dropping his head and being declared dead.

3. Skilled people are able to fly over roof tops, up trees and across distances without any sweat. But when travelling to towns and villages, they still have to walk or ride horses.

4. The heroes need not have to work for money, but will always have gold and silver with them to pay for their food dishes.

5. The heroes and villains will meet each other very often no matter how big the country is and no matter where they are.

6. Healing internal wounds in the body is as easy as sitting down cross-legged, palms on the knees and smoke coming out from the head.

7. They can keep alot of stuff in their sleeves and waistbands and never drop them. Especially a lot of gold & silver ingots.

G saw stars at 4:42 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Yoyoyo.. veri gu ku ling ding leh this blog... wat happened 2 the rez of 6A huh... then half the invitations sent out either get lost or cancelled dunno wat.. oh well...

U remember that there r 41 ppl in 6A rite? Well, out of the 41 ppl, only me, Seline, Audrey, Yuxi, Poh Choon, Mary, Yuen Hung these 7 pathetic souls survived the jump from P6 to Sec 1. Not even the other webmaster of this blog, Lok Liang Xun managed to stay alive long enuff 2 send me a short description of himself, just like the rest of the 30 odd ppl who had recieved emails pleading wif them 2 send the descriptions.

Me sunburn!! i shld b really used 2 it by now though... everytime netball got sunburn... my poor nose lorz.. haiz...

Where and when (the time not date) is that STUPID sports day going 2 b held?

Matrix i not going... i dont haf any interest in it.. neither do i wanna spend $7.50 sitting through 2 hrs of no-interest stuff...

Our Aim saw stars at 1:52 PM

* * * * * * * * *

heyhey...this blog getting quite cold...why only got a few ppl blog....muz get the whole 6a mahz....

choral nite rox!!!=)=)=)lin lin,all the friday show very touching*wipes tears* i like the "flower's in the attic"!!!who got the book??i wan read i wan read!!!aiyah...choral nite over le....i wan some more lehz....

yaling,the new one a bit plain lorz...but loads faster...let's see how long we can keep the taggy "clean" b4 someone starts to pollute it....(it wun be THAT faraway....)liang xun,can ask u where u come up wif the sports day idea???

G saw stars at 11:21 AM

* * * * * * * * *

* Thursday, November 06, 2003 *

Nah, ur say one... i apply for new shoutbox liao.. the new one veri fast.. n i remind ur is the bottom one the newest entries hor.. i decide 2 keep both.. then when ur vote n tell me dowan liao i take the dowan one off? or u come up wif new taggy webbie la.. i sian... when is our supposed SPORTS DAY, Liang Xun?

Our Aim saw stars at 11:04 PM

* * * * * * * * *

~ Popo
~ Status : Happy But Scared
~ Winamp Playing : S.H.E - Mei Li Xin Shi Jie
~ Time : 6.47p.m.
~ Doing : Watching News La And Waiting For Holland V

On a long international flight one of the plane's wings is struck by
lightning. One woman in particular loses it. Screaming, she stands
up in the front of the plane. 'I'm too young to die!' she wails.

Then she yells, 'Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on
Earth to be memorable! I've had plenty of excitement in my life,
but no one has ever made me really feel like a woman! Well I've
had it!

Is there ANYONE on this plane who can make me feel like a

For a moment there is silence.

Everyone has forgotten their own peril, and they all stare, riveted,
at the desperate creature in the front of the plane. Then, a man
stands up in the rear of the plane. 'I can make you feel like a
woman,' he says.

He's gorgeous. Tall, well built, with long flowing black hair and jet
black eyes, he starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his
shirt, one button at a time.

No one moves.
The woman is breathing heavily in anticipation as the strange man

He removes his shirt. Muscles ripple across his chest.
As he reaches her, and extends the arm holding his shirt to the
trembling woman, he whispers:

'Iron this.

^_^ Lol... Dun think Dirty Huh... ^_^

Long Time Nv Blog Liao... *sayang* Bloggie

Bye... Chat Nxt Day =D~

Anonymous saw stars at 6:46 PM

* * * * * * * * *

My blog change face liao.. ren go n compliment me on it quick.. not i do one hor, the thing.. i hate tables... but i made some adjutsments.. :)

Our Aim saw stars at 6:38 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Tuesday, November 04, 2003 *


Watch this and i GUARANTEE you smile.. unless you cannot understand chinese lah...

My TV and VCR almost shao diao so cannot watch HZGG III thus i come n bother the internet...

Our Aim saw stars at 10:33 PM

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G saw stars at 9:53 PM

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aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!cannot go arcade wif u ppl!!!sad sad sad....now stuck at home doing NOTHING cuz all my books havent arrive yet...-sighx-my mum dun let me go out...cuz she say arcade got a lot of gangs....so better not go....-sighx-

G saw stars at 11:49 AM

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* Monday, November 03, 2003 *

yuxi,here's a list of wad u can do if u are bored:

1:Read shoujos!!
2:Take neoprints!
3:Prepare for PW(for me is find how to mummify MJ)
4:Go zoo and try acting like one of the animals for the whole trip
5:take any bus that comes along ur way and try to make ur way back
6:Go camping
7:Cycle around singapore
8:sleepover at a friend's house
9:Do CIP(tt's wad regina,MJ and me doing on sats...)

and lastly,go back to woodbrigde for a mental checkup=)

aniwae,indoor camping sounds nice...but where???my house definately OUT.Maybe seline's??we can sleep outside....haix...tml cannot go arcade wif u all....my wallet is empty....took too much neoprinz wif mag today...=(

G saw stars at 7:16 PM

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* Sunday, November 02, 2003 *

~ Popo
~ Status : Troubled, Confused
~ Winamp Playing : S.H.E - Yuan Fang
~ Time : 5.05p.m.
~ Doing : >_<

Arcade I Sure Go -______-"! But Not On Tues... I Think I Need Go Back To School... But Dun Go Also Can... *ahem* I Not Skip Class... That One Is Teacher Qui Wo Men Qu Help Her One... Dont Go Also Can, Big Deal :)

Anonymous saw stars at 5:03 PM

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dun go camping larz....like wad seline say lorz...and camping is totally out for me cuz my parents def. dun allow me...(unless it is all girls and wif adults' suprevision)

acarde dun go northpoint lehz...got a lot of chongfu(or ex chongfu) ppl there...then they recognize us as the "6A'03 ppl" and will faint from shock cuz all of us seemed so "angelic" and "studious"...-____________________-||

wan go arcade muz go big big one mahz....sunplaza and northpoint one damn small....go causeway or suntec one better...cuz there bigger mahz...causeway is Timezone and suntec one is Starfactory(izzit?) sumthing liddat

then muz bring around $20 cuz the games are quite ex. then muz oso eat some food ritez??(glutton me.....)yah...lin,i def. will go ok??

G saw stars at 1:25 PM

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