* Us *

We are a bunch of lamers and pervertic crappers, who, under the tyranncy of Mrs Chu, united and formed a strong bond that can never be destroyed... (no, actually all above-mentioned is fake. Hey, weren't you listening when we said we were lamers and crappers?)

* Profiles *

Bert ~ NYGH : loves tanning herself : sixer : likes korean shows : enjoys designing webbies : damn skinny : baddie(hehehehe) : loves squabbling with Seline Chan

Yaling ~ Andersonian : Weird/freaky/original/whatever way you wanna see it : Tall : Likes crapping : Hates netball prac : avid Jay fan : likes messing about with HTML/CSS : loves neopets

Mary ~ 27/8/90 : RGS-er : tarbetian : 109 2003 : still looking for her true destiny : wannabe UFOlogist/archaelogist

Pohchoon ~ CHS Freak : 2/13/90 : Failure : Tall, Fat And Chubby : Crappy : Has Loads Of Rubbish To Say : Cheeky : Evil : Wannabe Teacher

Yuen Hung ~ 3/9/90 : RGS/101 gurl : tootified : likes blue, slacking

Seline ~ NYGH : likes tanning & all kinds of music x-cept heavy metal : can crap 4 hrs : potential tagboard spammer

Yuxi ~ NYGH : enjoys crapping & breaking into hysterical laughter : loves to jump about doing nothing : inspired a lot by the literature bk, Alchemist : likes to go mad and visit Woodbridge

Audrey ~ clever/intelligent/high IQ *pukes* : loves all kinds of sports and likes music : wannabe teacher? athelete?

Grace ~ NYGH tenner : lame : crapper : cute and adorable : tanned : loves being under the sun : likes going to the beach : Energy fanatic

Liang Xun ~ TCHS : further known as Lokky, or on a more intimate note, Xunxun, according to Yiling, who was thinking according to Hui Bin : TCHS virtual reality pioneer : Sleeps damn late at night : can sms like siao : lousy at organising things : lousy crapper

* Links *

Sie Mun
Poh Choon
6A class photos

* Archives *

10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

* Tagboard *

We use this more than we use the blog.

Powered by TagBoard Message Board

URL or Email

Messages (smilies)

* Wednesday, December 31, 2003 *

Today went to Escape for the 5th time with Sasa and Jia... Shikin couldnt make it, must go auntie hse... or sth liddat la... me going to type short form coz no mood to act guai gia lor.. computer bcome liddat how 2 act??????

[1 in a million veri nice!!!!!!! I out of point 4 a while hor...]

Met Sasa n Jia at YCK mrt station... stood there staring at the 2 of them dunno doing wat, Jia went out of the station then sasa followed then jia come back sasa oso come back... or sth liddat, me honestly dont rmb, juz wanted 2 luff, so nv rmb anything... found out sasa oso wearing Giodano or watever it is spelled shirt... hers is black mine brown but we diff designs... Jia said she got the exact same shirt as mine, she nv wear coz her mom bot wrong size... good thing or else damn diu lian...

U noe Gio shirts all got the sizes and whether it is long or short sleeved stickers pasted on the shirt rite... well, I cut away the tags, but 4got 2 take away the stickers... -_____________________-'' CHAO MA LU... When Jia remind me i omoz died of embarrassment... nao hiah... imagine how many ppl saw the stickers as i walked to the yishun mrt station then take mrt etc... *buries head in hands*

So we took from YCK all the way till Pasir Ris.. really remind me of tt time go chalet... me went alone ^________^ (i so clever rite) still rmb how excited i felt.. tt's one feeling i will nv 4get in my entire life... dis time was wif jia n sasa... both oso veri "..." tt type... add me... finish liao la..

Reached Escape without anyone luffing at us... tho got some malu moments... -______-|||| went on Panasonic rollar coaster firs... i think i lao le bu zhong yong le... dis is the firs time in a lot of times i closed my eyes during the ride!!!! i sat in fron like i usually do, n i realise i m scared to look over the edge when it veers!!!! *sniffs* wo lao le!!!!!!!!!!!

The veers very sharp leh... i rmb the firs time i sit i didnt noe i had 2 hold on 4 dear life, i ended up wif both sides of my waist blue black... -______-'' tong tong...

Next we went on pirate ship... nan dao shi wo zuo pirate ship zuo dao xi guan le ma? i didnt feel frightened at all... i opened my eyes thru-out the ride... n chatted 2 Jia.. got sum enthu ppl behind us scream n shriek... -____________-'' Errr...

Next we did the water ride.. me sat in fron, then Jia n Sa sit at the back... when the ride ended, Jia was a little wet, I wet and Sasa very wet.

Followed by the cadbury inverter *shoots look at Jia for hypnotizing me* in which i screamed my head off, then we went on the rainbow. The rainbow has seats 4 2 ppl, but the surface of the seat is FLAT, n veri smooth, n there is a seatbelt to buckle the 2 ppl together... i wondered y they did this, then i realised....

U see the rainbow rite, look very family ride type. Name oso so family type... Looks can be decieving!!!! The ride moves in a circular movement... like the pirate ship except this one moves in circular movement... when the ride drops in an arc to the right, the person on the left slides n crushes the person on the right... when the ride drops in an arc to the left, the person on the right slides n crushes the person on the left... no amt of strength u use can prevent this from happening... i tried! but poor jia... poor me!!!!!!

Followed by which we went to burger king drink sth... me n jia buy milo sasa bot a papa ice lemon tea -________-'' then we went on the rainbow again, but sasa didnt want coz she got headache wif tt... u noe wat she was doing when me n jia found her? She was sleeping (lying down) on a bench, in the hot sun..... *rolls eyes* then we woke her up, tried to persuade her 2 go on panasonic, she said she dowan she wanna slp, so we brot her 2 a shady bench n she lie there 2 "rest"... me n jia go queue.. veri long!! after a looooooong time it was our turn n we went on it n shrieked then the ride ended n we went 2 get sasa hu was lying on the bench n we woke her up n we went out of escape to burger king n we ate lunch then we went to white sands coz sasa wanna buy marching boots at bata but bata don haf so we went popular.

There was once when i was listening to this english song tt is sung to the tune of S.H.E's I've Never Been To Me, n i smsed sasa n told her in the song got words like "fucked" n "make love", n they tot i rmb wrong song coz tt song is sung in such a sweet voice n sweet tune... but later they heard for themselves too!!! "the man tt u've fucked this morning..." etc tt type... -_____________-'' GOD... later we found the lyrics booklet n looked up the words... it wasn't fucked, it was FOUGHT... -___-'' the man you've fot wif this morning... erm... but the later parts of make love are really make love la, n Jia went in this really loud voice about how making love isnt dirty, even blue's song got make love, n everyone in the CD shop turn and stare at us, n i slam the booklet shut n pull the both of them out n exclaim tt jia said tt in a veri loud voice......... *buries face*

Ok, then we went home. Long mrt trip again.

Today is the last day of 2003... my life as a sec 1 ends at 12 midnite 2day.... how cool... Happy 2004 to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Aim saw stars at 10:57 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Tuesday, December 30, 2003 *

My personality is rated 36.
What is yours?
quiz by midgetfarm.com


Joab saw stars at 1:22 AM

* * * * * * * * *

My personality is rated 28.
What is yours?

quiz by midgetfarm.com

Sho cool!! It says people with scores 25 to 40 have personailties that are da best. And I got the same with jia!!! Yay!!!!!!

I am 8% Horny!
How Horny Are You?
quiz by midgetfarm.com

Like not horny enuff leh =P Ask Gabriel take it see ^____^ Sure full marks...

MidgetFarm.com rated me 45% exciting.
How exciting are you?

That's true... me not really like new things =)

I am in 65% control of my life.
Who controls yours?
quiz by midgetfarm.com

I am the
Which smiley are you?

O.o How cool!

My addiction to quizilla starts once again... haiz.

Trendy Sexy
You're TRENDY sexy! You go with all the popular
ways and latest styles on what's sexy, whether
you mean to or not. This means you'll probably
always be sexy!

What kind of sexy are you? [For girls only! With Pics! Finally Finished!]
brought to you by Quizilla

The backspace key! You are happy in life and you
will be happy enough to help anyone at all and
the backspace key helps a lot of people by
correcting thier mistakes.
Thank's for taking my quiz!

Which key on the keyboard are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

ER. I guess....

Our Aim saw stars at 1:15 AM

* * * * * * * * *

* Monday, December 29, 2003 *

I am sick and tired of all the hidden sarcasm (not that it is very well hidden anyway) and lame insults. So I've deleted the messages. Dont complain ok?

Our Aim saw stars at 5:52 PM

* * * * * * * * *

I am dead.... DELL COMPUTERS SUCK!!!!!!!!

My stupid moronic computer is in a hanging fit again... plus my mom is an added nuisance. She is damn irritating lor I tell you. People in bad mood she come home scream scream scream... keep asking me go and call the Dell people again, what shit. Like I never call lor, like i call again got miracle happen they will come over fix my computer and dont charge us and the sky will crack open and angels will sing and snow will start falling. Yeah, right. Freaking annoying.

I dont even want to get started on my computer. There is a 80% chance I will lose all my mp3s and have to reformat my entire computer. Unless it stops the hanging fits. Which is really impossible, I say.

Why cant my sis's computer access neopets??? I have a guild, I need to TEND TO IT... and mall my HTML stuff in my com, I dunnid to do stuff for Anime Skies meh?? Stupid computer... Dell sux ah I tel lyou. Never ever buy from Dell! And DONT USE WINDOWS XP. It damn sucks...

2003 is fast a memory... Sec 1 life is no more... welcome to being a year older! =) And welcome to the life of Sec 2s. The number one priority on the list? Bully sec 1s ^_______^.

Click here. You'll like it.

Happy New Year all.

Our Aim saw stars at 5:51 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Friday, December 26, 2003 *

zzzz... (-____-"!)

Yahoo group also got things happen arh? I 1mth nv go liao (-___-"!)

And bert wo yi jin hen jiu mei you chuang huo le hor. Dun everything also wanna drag me in =( That time gabriel that thing, i also not purposely let out one, and somemore gabe also dunno, and i say sorry liao lor, it's all right if you dun accept... =(

Lok liang xun, bu yao luan luan pian wor...

Joab saw stars at 8:24 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Wednesday, December 24, 2003 *

Old name: Deng Yiling

Endearing pet name:

Waggy Thighs

Usage: "Awww, did my little Waggy Thighs have a rough day at work?"

Not funny one. Also not cute. *sniff* Hmph. I like Jia' MOOKIE PEE!!!! And Sasa's bear nipples/extremely large nubs WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

I helped a list of people to check out their pet names *beams*

Old name: Grace Choo

Endearing pet name:

Silky Head

Usage: "Awww, did my little Silky Head have a rough day at work?"


Old name: Lok Liang Xun

Endearing pet name:

Honey Pants

Usage: "Awww, did my little Honey Pants have a rough day at work?"



Old name: Seline Chan

Endearing pet name:

Camel Butt

Usage: "Awww, did my little Camel Butt have a rough day at work?"



Old name: Bertilla Wong

Endearing pet name:

Poopy Anus

Usage: "Awww, did my little Poopy Anus have a rough day at work?"



Old name: Png Xin Ge

Endearing pet name:

Bouncy Balls

Usage: "Awww, did my little Bouncy Balls have a rough day at work?"



Old name: Fwah Hui Bin

Endearing pet name:

Bear Pee

Usage: "Awww, did my little Bear Pee have a rough day at work?"


And our favourite teacher:

Old name: Chu Tan Kim Yan

Endearing pet name:

Farty Booty

Usage: "Awww, did my little Farty Booty have a rough day at work?"

Old name: Tan Kim Yan

Endearing pet name:

Passion Jiggles

Usage: "Awww, did my little Passion Jiggles have a rough day at work?"

Old name: Mrs Chu

Endearing pet name:

Doodle Nutz

Usage: "Awww, did my little Doodle Nutz have a rough day at work?"


Our Aim saw stars at 4:42 PM

* * * * * * * * *

I uploaded the pix to my prince andrea angelfire account... so now it can be seen =) Too bad about Anime Skies though... all my images dead.

UPDATE: GOD, i checked the bandwidth again. It was SUPPOSED to be alright by now, at 4 plus... but the bandwidth was exceeded AGAIN.


Times Over Limit this Month: 4
23 dec 2:16 pm
23 dec 4:16 pm
23 dec 8:46 pm
24 dec 0:46 am

See? My god... if I am lucky I should be able to get it back today...

Our Aim saw stars at 4:13 PM

* * * * * * * * *

God. See above you? There's a small box with a red X in it. This means that my angelfire account has exceeded its bandwidth (frozen temporarily too) and all my images have died. Including my user lookups, my blog layouts, my graphics, the graphics I help other peolple host.

So. I think it will be back in another 2 or 3 hrs. Depending on the severity of the situation. I saved our 6A blog layout picture, but unfortunately for ME i did not save MY layout's pictures.. so now you visit my blog you see a total wreck. Like my homework ate my layout. Or whatever.

Our Aim saw stars at 12:45 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Tuesday, December 23, 2003 *

My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated?

Joab saw stars at 7:23 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Oh my god... Girls are so violent nowadays *Popo Siam* (-______-"!)

Seline... I think you have to see some psychology doctor or what. Ni xing li you dian bian tai.. Although the RI guy with all those bad words from his mouth deserve worst things... But i think you should go and see a doctor!!! Bing qing er hua le, jiu mei you yao jiu le ARHH!!! Lin... Ni bu ke yi si arh... yuan yuan hai zai chi chi de deng ze ni arh... =D~ Just kidding (-____-"!)

according to my calculations... almost 70% of the male population are either alreadi belonging to the sissy gender or they haf the risk of heading towards it. it is a dangerouly high percentage as u see... if 70% of the male population sissies, dat means more den 72% of the female population will not get married! y?? coz only 30% of the male population is normal den 30% of the females have the possibility of gettin married. but some of the 30% aren't up to the 30% of the female's population's standard. so there will be people fussing here and dere and picky here and there n therefore, end up not getting married. n pls take note. dis is a veri big insult to the female species. it means dat the females mei you ren yao!! u get wad i mean?? yah! exactly! so we haf to stop dis male species turning into the wang mou mou species thingy!!

.....................So miserable... i thought only 50% sissified... So serious liao arh.. 70%.... Oh, That's sad... -_____-"! And who's that wang mou mou??????????????????????? *Curious*

Aiyo. All sabo boys. Me bu duo shuo le, later become next traget...


Thanks! ^.^

Joab saw stars at 6:54 PM

* * * * * * * * *

according to my calculations... almost 70% of the male population are either alreadi belonging to the sissy gender or they haf the risk of heading towards it. it is a dangerouly high percentage as u see... if 70% of the male population sissies, dat means more den 72% of the female population will not get married! y?? coz only 30% of the male population is normal den 30% of the females have the possibility of gettin married. but some of the 30% aren't up to the 30% of the female's population's standard. so there will be people fussing here and dere and picky here and there n therefore, end up not getting married. n pls take note. dis is a veri big insult to the female species. it means dat the females mei you ren yao!! u get wad i mean?? yah! exactly! so we haf to stop dis male species turning into the wang mou mou species thingy!!

so here r sum symptoms of this transformation thingy...

in its early stages...
the male species will wear clothes wif striking colours, wear earrings, dye hair [yes dese r very common i noe, but rmb, only early stages]

in its not-so-early stages...
the male species will wear damn chio clothes, wear feminine earings, make the hair lyk veri "sexy", tok abit lyk yang xiong, walk quite daintly.

in its veri-not-early stages...
the male species wears lyk a gal, tok lyk a gal, behave lyk a gal, treat herself lyk a gal, thus u noe dat this type is veri serious case, mei jiu le!!!

if u spot dis kind of male, immediately seduce him n make him lyk u! this will cause the transformation process to stop. But if transformation process is too far ahead and it's too late 2 stop the mutation, do not force urself. It is bad 4 ur health and internal organs.

Our Aim saw stars at 3:41 PM

* * * * * * * * *

* Monday, December 22, 2003 *

Found this totally cute thing in Jia's blog. This person rox I tell you. He/she is obviously a genius and should be compared extensively to Albert Einstein and the rest. He/she should be winning a Nobel Prize for Literature. Why have all these people been overlooked????


Shagging - having sex
Shagless - sexless
in short:
A quah.


Hello, my name is Basmati Kasaar. I am suffering from rare and deadly diseases, poor scores on final exams, extreme virginity, fear of being kidnapped and
executed by anal electrocution, and guilt for not forwarding out 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe that if you send them on, then that poor fucking 6 year old girl in Arkansas with a breast on her forehead will be able to raise enough money to have it removed before her redneck parents sell her off to the traveling freak show.

Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and everyone you send his email to $1000? How stupid are you? Ooooh, looky here! If I scroll down
this page and make a wish, I'll get laid by every Playboy Bunny in the magazine! Wh! at a bunch of fucking bullshit.

So basically, this message is a big FUCK YOU to all the people out there who have nothing better to do than to send me stupid chain mail forwards. Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my apartment and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing the chain which was started by Ceaser in 5 A.D. and was brought to this country by midget pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes it to the year 2000, it'll be in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest continuous streak of blatant

Fuck them!

If you're going to forward something, at least send me something mildly fucking amusing. I've seen all the 'send this to 50 of your closest friends, and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will somehow receive a Nickel from some omniscient being forwards about 90 times. I don't fucking care. Show a little intelligence and think about what you're actually contributing to by sending out forwar! ds. Chances are it's your own unpopularity.


Chain Letter Type 1:
(scroll down)

Make a wish!!!

Keep Scrolling

No, really, go on and make one!!!

Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!!
Wish something else!!!

Not that, you pervert!!


Wasn't that fun? :)
Hope you made a great wish :)

Now, to make you feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of all, if you don't send this to 5096 people in the next 5 seconds, you will be raped by a mad goat and thrown off a high building into a pile of manure.

It's true! Because, THIS letter isn't like those fake ones, THIS one is TRUE!! Really!!! Here's how it goes:

*Send this to 1 person: One person will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter.

*Send this to 2-5 people: ! 2-5 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter.

*Send this to 5-10 people: 5-10 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter, and may form a plot on your life.

*Send this to 10-20 people: 10-20 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter and will napalm your house. Thanks!!!! Good

Chain Letter Type 2

Hello, and thank you for reading this letter.... You see, there is a starving little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats. This little boy's life could be saved, because for every time you pass this on, a dollar will be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund.

Oh, and remember, we have absolutely no way of counting the emails sent and this is all a complete load of bull! shit. So go on, reach out. Send this to 5 people in! the next 47 second s.

Oh, and a reminder - if you accidentally send this to 4 or 6 people, you will die instantly.

Thanks again!!

Chain Letter Type 3

Hi there!! This chain letter has been in existence since 1897. This is absolutely incredible because there was no email then and probably not as many sad pricks with nothing better to do.

So this is how it works... Pass this on to 15,067 people in the next 7 minutes or something horrible will happen to you like:

*Bizarre Horror Story #1
Miranda Pinsley was walking home from school on Saturday. She had recently received this letter and ignored it. She then tripped in a crack in the sidewalk, fell into the sewer, was gushed down a drainpipe in a flood of poopie, and went flying out over a waterfall. Not only did she smell nasty, she died. This Could Happen To You!!!

*Bizarre Horror Story #2
Dexter Bip! , a 13 year old boy, got a chain letter in his mail and ignored it. Later that day, he was hit by a car and so was his boyfriend (hey, some people swing that way). They both died and went to hell and were cursed to eat adorable kittens every day for eternity.

This Could Happen To You Too!!! Remember, you could end up just like Pinsley and Bip. Just send this letter to all of your loser friends, and everything
will be okay.

Chain Letter Type 4

As if you care, here is a poem that I wrote.
Send it to all your friends.


A friend is someone who is always at your side.

A friend is someone who likes you even though you stink of shit, and your breath smells like you've been eating catfood.

A friend is someone who likes you even though you're as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

A friend is someone who cleans up for you after! you've soiled yourself.

A friend is som! eone who stays with you all night while you cry about your sad, sad life.

A friend is someone who pretends they like you when they really think you should be raped by mad goats, then thrown to vicious dogs.

A friend is someone who scrubs your toilet, vacuums and then gets the check and leaves and doesn't speak much English...no, sorry that's the cleaning lady.

A friend is NOT someone who sends you chain letters because he wants his wish of being rich to come true.

Now pass this on! If you don't, you'll never have sex ever again!


The point being? If you get some chain letter that's threatening to leave you shagless or luckless for the rest of your life, delete it. If it's funny, send it on. Don't piss people off by making them feel guilty about a leper in Botswana with no teeth, who's been tied to a dead elephant for 27 years, whose only savior is the 5 cents per letter he'll receive if you forward this mail, otherwise you'll end up like Miranda. Right?

Our Aim saw stars at 12:44 AM

* * * * * * * * *

* Sunday, December 21, 2003 *

i muz say tt ge is really very cute!!!*ignore me here...i'm being crazy ok??* she looks even better than all of the so-called male gender in our class lor!!!then she still so style...not like the others all bag high high one...n she damn cool! damn manly enuff!!

aiyoh....why u all cannot learn from her huh??too bad she not guy...or else bin and weiying sure fite one...

-wif comments from yaling-

G saw stars at 11:22 PM

* * * * * * * * *

Gabriel u freak post dat kind of spam 4 wat???????? Make everything lag!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR....

Our Aim saw stars at 10:40 PM

* * * * * * * * *

P.S. : I nv knew i can crap that much (-___-"!)

Joab saw stars at 12:41 AM

* * * * * * * * *

Yiling, The layout very nice, dun need to worry. And if you need to know how to remove the banner. Ask me. I give u the codes.

I am now about to die, after travelling for 12 hours. From 12pm - 3.30pm, I travelled from yishun to bishan, then bishan to city hall, then city hall to funan IT mall, then Funan IT mall to yio chu kang, then yio chu kang to yishun, then yishun to home. I did all this in 4hrs. Unbelievable huh? Well, thats why i tell u i so tired. But i telling u the part tt anger my most. My mom say my sis hungry. I very concern. Then my mom says sis wanna eat sushi and i went to buy 14 different pieces of her favourite sushis which cost me $8.80. Then later on my way back, i bought her drinks from CUBES. which cause my $2.50. It was ice mocha. And can anyone belive tt instead of 811, i took 859 instead. CAN ANYONE BELIEVE THIS? 811 AND 859. HOW MANY NUMBERS DIFFERENT. AND I STILL TOOK THE WRONG ONE. I MUST BE TRUELY MAD AND CRAZY. I immediately went down the bus at 170+ and ran in the rain to the opposite bus stop which had 811. And took 811 home.

I reach back home, with all thoes stuff in my hand and all thoes things tt i shoped from yishun, bishan, city hall, funan it mall and yio chu kang, knock once on the door, hoping my sis will open the door. I knocked harder and harder, and harder. But no one open me door. I irritated. I use key open door, with great difficulties. I carried all my stuff into my room. And saw my sis sleeping on my bed. Which i dunno why? (-___-"!) I called her with my normal voice. She remain asleep, I screamed at the top of my voice. She still wont or should be, not wakened up by me. (-____-"!) Then i thought by telling her i bought her favourite ice mocha. She might wake up and i place the drinks on her leg, trying to hint her i bought some cold drinks back for her. You know wad happen next? She kicked my _|_ (-____-"!) *Somewhere around there* And then scold me Ta ma de. Ask me what i trying do, Then scream like chicken. I angry. I shout back say i bought things for her makan she still Kaoz beiz. Then i shot out of my room *Remember i never close door* And always remember, when u wanna show someone u very angry, always slam the door. And i close the gates with force and slam the door with all my might. I threw all the food stuffs on my table. Change into my home clothes, still very angry, and wanna use computer. You know wad my sis did? She push me aside, and forbid me to use and scream at me. I also angry, i scream back to her and shot out of my room again and switch on the TV and set volume to 45 (That's the second way to show u are damn angry) And sorry if i use some beri broken english. Cause i now very tired to think of any english vocabs to use or even how to form a sentence (-____-"!). Well tt's all tt happen, she went out. I use com. She 5.30pm go out. I 6pm go out also, To chinese high chinese orchestra concert at victoria concert hall..

Uh huh, liang xun, do not read this part if you dun wanna see me insult or should be, give comments on your school, to make it sound nicer though =D

Well, I AGAIN TRAVEL TO CITY HALL and reach at 6.45pm, Me and my senior walk in the rain to the Victoria shit thing. (Please do not think it's very romantic walking in the rain, it's the worst thing that could ever happen on a rainy day) Well.. we reach there, and thought we can go in and be seated immediately. G.O.D knows only 7.30 can go in and 7.45 start. So we waited for around 20minutes outside. During this period of time, i happened to be jinx and actually saw WANG YU HUI and her st. nick friends there. Well, she saw me, and i saw her at the same moment, but i turn around immediately, as i thought i saw a Huntu with curly hair and bespectacled somemore (-_____-"!) Then nvm, my stingy teacher, actually bought the only $5 ticket and OMG. I rather pay $25 sit at balcony. Then to sit on the $5 VIP seats. Know wad? On normal chairs instead of the very very EXTREMELY comfortable seats. I was totally mad when i knew we had to seat there. Cause wo de mian zi kuai yao dou bei dui guang le. Luckily after 10minutes we can go see in front, cause not full house (-___-"!) WHEEEEEEEEE!

Then concert last 3hrs. With 16 orchestra songs, well the whole thing i was asleep, cause air-con too comfortable, so dun ask me wad happen. But sometimes during my sleep, i can hear chicken screaming at the top of her voice to sing on the stage (-____-"!) (Aww, that was also the worst thing tt could happen when u are having a sleep....

I went home, on my way back, i step into the water puddles THRICE... THRICE. Wad holy shit is this. Omg. So damn.

Then i first time know MRT @ 10.45 stil so full, so i took to marina bay, then decide the whole trip sit back. If you all know what i mean, then good, dunno not my problem. Then when we reach there. MRT says terminat at marina bay. Got to go down wait for another, by the time i reach back city hall, 20minutes has pass. Then i sit all the way to Ang mo kio, AND TRAIN TERMINATE AGAIN! WAD SHIT IS THIS. WHOLE DAY TERMINATE. And u wont believe this. When reach yishun. terminate again (-______-"!) Luckily i live in yishun. Or else i gonna kill SMRT. =P

Well. I reach home and realize i haven eat dinner. Then i ate the leftover sushis. Oh yea. My sis angry with me, STILL DARE EAT 8 PIECES OF MY PRECIOUS SUSHI AND DRINK MY BLUE LIME SODA!! WTF. I HATE HER. And know i finish typing, very tired liao, cause 12.38 liao -____-"!

Tomorrow 10am still must wake up for 6A class gatherng.. Haiz!!!


Joab saw stars at 12:37 AM

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* Saturday, December 20, 2003 *

I'm sorry!!!! I know it sux!!!!!!!! But this is my first layout... and that stupid pic is really hard to colour co-ordinate. Anyone interested in editting the colours??? I'm all for it!!!!

Our Aim saw stars at 10:48 PM

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WHY?? WHY?? Why did the picture I like and want to use have to be so difficult to colour-coordinate??? Why??????

I am currently doing a stupid simple tables layout for this blog... with the just kiss me picture.. only without the just kiss me... The pic looks great but the layout sucks. ANYONE WILLING TO COME AND EDIT THE COLOURS FOR ME???? ANYONE??

Our Aim saw stars at 9:54 PM

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harloz everyone..i am jieshi..sorri i never blog in here b4. Aniway, hope everyone is fine out there. Holidaes endin soon n i haven finish my hw. gtg...tata

jess saw stars at 5:22 PM

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Yesterday Anderson had this friendly match with Deyi. Mr Liu, our coach, coaches 3 schools, Deyi, Queenstown and us, and made us 3 have friendly matches with each other. I wasnt there for the last match against Queenstown, because I was at Bintan. We crushed them anyway. Both the C and B divisions.

Liu said that for the C division (us) we would lose against Deyi and naturally all of us very annoyed. Mei you yi ding hui shu de lor. Both had the same coaches, both learnt the same things. Shu shen me shu. He predicted that our seniors would win Deyi's B division. That one I believed with no doubt.

Match starts. All of us kana nervous. Anderson took the lead from the beginning. 2 goals. Then 3. Then Deyi caught up and started to lead. Lead first quat. Lead second quat. All of us thought we sure lose. Third quat we tied, 11 - 11. Fourth quat we won, 17 - 14.

You have no idea how triumphant that win was.

First of all, I would like to say that I hate my GA & GS to the core. The 2 of them are in cahoots, I tell you. In the first quat, I was wrestling the ball from one of them (I think it's the GS) and I had it 90%, my arm was like interloped through hers, and the ball was already on MY right side, further from her already, and I simply refused to give up because I got the ball first and no way was I going to give it up to that freaking moron. I thought it was pretty certain that I had the ball already, and why didnt the Deyi umpire (we have 2 student umpires, each from each school, one on each side) on the Deyi goal pole side blow my ball, when the other one on my right side elbowed me in my side and I dropped the ball and WHEY-ED very angrily at the unjustice and the stupid GS snatched the ball and shot it in. TA MA DE KANINA JI DAN GAO...

Then the third quat, (i sat out the 2nd n 4th) we were wrestling for the ball again, the ball had landed on the floor and we scrambled to get it, and both of those bitches locked me side by side and both scrabbled at the ball, and I totally refused to release the ball because I was sitting on it already, but they still tried to grab it, and both of them didnt give up even when the umpire blew my ball, I had to snap it at them.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?? To think I even smiled and grinned and shoke hands with both of them before the match.

And the GA scratched Izzah (my GD) so badly at the hand (she's a malay, you know how dark the skins of malays are, so when RED starts to appear on that dark skin you should know just how painful it is), BUT WE DIDNT EVEN GET THE BALL. Both of them leapt for the stupid ball. Seriously, we made sure to cut our nails before the match, you're supposed to do so in case we injure the other players, but what was that stupid girl doing with her finger nails so long?

Anderson was kinda losing confidence during the first and second quaters.. because Syafiqah (GS) kept missing her shots, some airball some more, and the seniors were really pissed off, and we kept asking for lobes when we couldnt even catch it, and some more the lobes were badly thrown. I kept reminding them mentally to come forward to get the ball, dont ask for lobes!!!!!!!!!! But either it didnt work or everyone just plain ignored me. (-_-)

However we picked up at the 3rd quater and Syafiqah and Xueling managed to shoot quite a lot... bringing the score to a tie. I was sooo elated. All of us, during the 4 min break, vowed that we WOULD win this match, to show Liu that we were not as lousy as he thought we were, and to show those stupid Deyi freaks.

I didnt get a chance to join in the battle at the 4th Quat, Jing Ning took my place. She told me she would find some way to revenge me, so I sat back happily with Angelyn to watch.

It was a totally psyching match. Anderson was great. Izzah was a great defender, she was everywhere we needed her. We clapped and cheered like nuts eevrytime we shot in a goal or made a good interception. Deyi had no chance at all during the 4th Quat, it was ours, and ours alone. Triumph flooded us when we won. Revenge was even sweeter when Jin Ning informed me she had accidentally-on-purpose tripped the GS and she totally fumbled. ^________^ Bu kui shi hao si dang.

It was clear who were the winners that day when our seniors trampled the Deyi B division... 30 plus to 10 plus I think. There was one of them, the GD, wo shi zai kan bu shun yan. She damn qi si ren lor... I also admire Lisda (our all-mighty B div GD) a lot!! When one of them totally barreled past her and made her drop the ball, she kept so cool and simply picked up the ball and passed it on. She was sooooooo calm throughout the match. If it were me I sure clobber her ah... yong zhe me bu ze shou duan de shou duan... Hmph...

Our seniors totally rock!!!!! I seriously doubt if we can achieve their standard by the time we're their age. And we all very happy also, because we made Liu eat his words. Throughout the whole C div match, he stayed on the Deyi freaks' side. He never came over, only once to check on us, to give some advice, or whatever. Then when we won then he came over. Ma de...

Our Aim saw stars at 2:58 PM

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* Friday, December 19, 2003 *

Has anyone been watching Moon Fairy lately? ( Just in case if u dunno, it's the 7pm show on channel 8 starring Fann Wong And Christ:D~

The show very nice, seriously, the plot is good, it's touching, it's cool, has all the Effects and all sort of stuff... MUST WATCH!

Today episode is the most touching one ever... oh well, more GAN REN FEI FU one coming soon... Wheee... ( I actually know how to use Gan Ren Fei Fu... -_____-"! )

But seriously... Chang Er and Hou Yi really love each other... And that idiot sun thingy (That idiot with a mole beside his mouth aka. Moler Moler ) very EVIL !!! Kaoz!!! I nv knew immortal so Bad one *Sobz* This is truely so sad!!! I wanna be like the jade rabbit... so cute and lively... =D~ *backs to topic* That idiot sun thingy brother really very evil.. go Xian Hai Chang er and Hou Yi!! So bad!!! And the idiot Huang Mu Niang Niang ALSO VERY EVIL!! That B***h face!! Always like to be jealous!!! Let the Jade emperor banish her to earth be prostitute best!!! WHEEEEEE (-___-"!)

So touching... Especially when hoy yi si dou bu yao he Luo bin jie hun.. fan er stubborn.. wanna be with chang er!! And very touching... next episode... see commercial!!! Hou yi banish into that wadeva ghost thing also wanna protect Chang er... AwWwWWwWw!!! So touching!!! Why is this story so touching? *Me addcited*

THAT HUANG MU NIANG NIANG SO CALLOUS!!! KAOZ!!! Hate the look on her face, like everyone offended her like that!!!

And hou yi mother very cool!!! Dare tok to tt Yellow mother like that!!! So cool!! Dare to argue back with her!!! *Beams* Good mother!!! Wheeee...

Although Some *Almost All* Parts of the story very ridiculous and fake... BUT THE SHOW STILL VERY NICE!!!


*Cant believe i actually wrote 10 paragraph for that story* (-__________-"!) BUT REALLY VERY NICE!!!!


Joab saw stars at 8:16 PM

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* Thursday, December 18, 2003 *

Nice right?? I make myself one *beams* I will formally introduce my avatar to you. This *points upwards* is my avatar. It is made from a picture from boyis.com, and I found the picture while going through all 210 pages of the wallpaper section, then until the 75th page of the CG artwork.

Not to mention that the stupid picture i found cant even be used for the layout, because the layout got problem. Grrrrrrr. But it's kinda (kinda) worth it... because I got a lot of pictures for Anime Skies... Anime Skies exceed bandwidth again... twice this morning... the whole site siao liao... layout completely freak out on us.

But from another point of view it's good, because it means we're getting visitors =)

Our Aim saw stars at 2:12 PM

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lok ah....i told u the rates are the same for members.well,if i can go sembawang to learn wif the same cost would i want to travel all the way to changi??-_________-|| shan't argue wif u...

yaling,the layout i not so sure...cuz now i'm forcing myself to read tt damned book....(so far i completed only 15 pg...*applause*) but i'll try to do so...but i find tt pic dun really suit this blog...(look at the sissies here...)

lin lin!!!I managed to get my allowance in advance!so maybe i can get tt reebok shirt.i dun want the addidas shirt le...very ex leh!!$50....i can use the extra $20 to stuff my stomach =D

ok..tt's all for now

G saw stars at 1:26 PM

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Someone forgot to close font tag again....

The stupid layout damn irritating. So many troubles. Forced Grace to make one for me tomorrow ^____________^

Our Aim saw stars at 12:25 AM

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* Wednesday, December 17, 2003 *

Omg... My Senior Just Called Me... Say I Have To Go Chinese High Listen Concert (-____-"!)

Omg!! Somemore It Cost $10 !!!! $10 !!!! I Can Do So Must With $10 !!! I Rather Spend Them Buying Ruffles, Twisties And All Those Tibits, Or Even Fork Out $10 More Buy Fei Yu Qing CD (-_____-"!) Then To Go To The Concert... OMG...!!!! Why ME? Why Am I So Unlucky!!! Why I Have To Go? WHY!!! *SOB* I DUN WANNA GO!!! ME DUN WANT!!! ME WANT MY SATURDAY FREE!!



Joab saw stars at 10:18 PM

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^ This is DAMN CUTE !!! ^

Omg...!!!! (-__________-"!)

Update : Popo decided to use big fonts in this blog but found out that the rest of the fonts will also become the same size if i do so (--______--"!) Me give up on tt idea.










O.O It Works ^__^

Joab saw stars at 8:14 PM

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Our Aim saw stars at 5:48 PM

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Guess what? Went through all 210 pages of the Wallpaper section and I didnt find it. -___________________________-'' It's so not fun I tell you.

I am now staking out the CG section. Page 12 of 82.

Our Aim saw stars at 5:16 PM

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Nvm if u cannot see it =) After some pondering, I have decided to use the 4th one ^___^ Weep or cheer people. I want to see if I can get rid of that horrid Just Kiss Me. This will ruin our repuation, I tell you. I need to go boyis.com and go through all 300 pages of images there to find this stupid pic, so anyone want to help me or something? You can start from pg 50, I've gone through until there.

Oh yah, if you wanna view the layout to see what picture I'm looking for, go www.daydreamgraphics.com, sign up, then click on the link i provided here.

UPDATE: Now up to pg.100 Only got 200 pgs. Hope i get through.

Our Aim saw stars at 3:57 PM

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* Tuesday, December 16, 2003 *


View the below layouts to choose which layout should our 6A blog be using next... =)

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3 Recognise her? YUNA!

Choice 4 This one is just SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice!!! I cannot stand it... I have to put it down to let you all see!! The picture is gorgeous. But not the kissing part. Just the design of the pic. And the heading has nothing to do with our layout at all. I want to see if I can get rid of it.

Choice 5 Wolfie CUTE!!

Our Aim saw stars at 8:54 PM

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Joab saw stars at 5:26 PM

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Good afternoon people! Now I need you to go here, then look at the left hand corner. You see a red button under the column "Vote for Us?" Now, click on it, thank you very much! You will find your life pleasantly happy if you do so. If you do not.. well... *cracks knuckles*

PS: The above threat, is, what I said, a threat. As we all know, it's common knowledge to not disobey the order in the threat. =) So have a nice day!

Our Aim saw stars at 12:04 PM

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Popo long long time never blog le... Sianz... ZzZzzZ... Now 2.15 a.m... Nothing To Do...

Has anyone watch today news??? In U.S.A, Every 6 secs, one woman is rape!!! Isn't that amazing??? Imagine the police post has 600 women going there a day to report that they have been raped... Gosh...

Talking about this... now thinking how fortunate we are to live in singapore... There are no floods, no drought (dunno how to spell), no volcano eruption, very *little* killings, no war, very *few* rape cases... and so on... (Come to think of it... Malaysia also have about 3000+ car accidents one day -______-"! , Amazing right?)

But here we are, complaining that weather is so hot, we have to much pressure, too much homework, nothing to do and even, nothing to eat, very hungry -___________-"!

Now i finally realise how fortunate we are... seriously... *HITS POPO* Dun think too much... No... Dun... *SLAP POPO* No... Dun... ArhhhH... * B o N k E r S *

Eeeeee... I'm Mad... Me no touch homework... die die die die die... although i only have maths and chinese, i oredi scared scared liao... Know why? My maths whole paper ALGEBRA Imagine, ALGEBRA?????? Is the teacher trying to murder me or what? ALGEBRA... I RATHER WEAR A BRA THEN TO DO THOSE SUMS... (-________-") *Although must do secretly la*

Sian... i spend whole 10 minutes solving this question, of course, reminding myself of all the rules....

2 ( a + b ) - { 2 [ a - ( a - b ) ] }

......Amazing right? I SPEND 10MINUTES!!! Holy shit... wad kind of world am i living in... Arh.... Sianz... AND SOMEMORE GOT 50 QUESTION IN THAT PAPER...

I'm going bonkers, I need to eat PiZzA.. to cool myself down...

Breathe in....










Snore... I'm dead.

Joab saw stars at 2:27 AM

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* Saturday, December 13, 2003 *

Heyhey!!! I changed layout for my blog, and this layout is simply FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Bu kan hen ke xi leh!! I found this website layout then altered it to make it my bloggy layout... WOOHOO!! Click here to visit my blog!! And leave a message in my taggy, i did something different to it! =)

Our Aim saw stars at 8:41 PM

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* Thursday, December 11, 2003 *

FREEWEBS.COM SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRRRRRRRRRRRR... that website is a stupid, useless, moronic place to host websites. Today I was going to help edit the links of Vanessa's website (read: change and edit over 20 pages). AND THAT FREEWEBS.COM HAD TO PROVE ITSELF A NUISANCE, making my internet explorer hang every 5 minutes!!!!!! 5 minutes!!!!!!!!! What can I do in 5 minutes??!! I have time to open an IE page, sign into the sickening account (EVERYTIME I GO OUT OF THE FREEWEBS I HAVE TO RESIGN IN!! Why cant it be like blogger and have a 'remember me' feature??), go to the sickening site manager, open a sickening page, edit the links, view the page, go back to the site manager, then VOILA! Perfect timing. Hang.

Oh yah, please do me a favour everyone.. go Vanessa's website and check it out... me need to promote it more, the taggy very lonely... Grrr FREEWEBS SUX!!!!!

Our Aim saw stars at 2:20 PM

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* Wednesday, December 10, 2003 *


Meaningful... And Nice... Cute Also

Was Erased.. Want See Copy Paste Link... LoL.. Make Blog Ki Siao...

Joab saw stars at 2:56 PM

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* Sunday, December 07, 2003 *

People like you becuase you're a sweetheart!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Why do people insisit on calling me naive?!!!

Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The

"I've travelled through the land of
surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart
out and keep my head up, and now I travel
through the land of peace."

The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship,
intuition, and fun. It is governed by the
goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined
Rings, or True Friendship.

As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your
friends. You would much rather have strong
ties with friends than a single tie with a
lover and your devotion to your friends is
clear. You may have great intuition and be
able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes
you can seem distant yourself.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Our Aim saw stars at 6:23 PM

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* Saturday, December 06, 2003 *

Popo Went Quite Mad Today, Sorry (-____-"!)

Ng Poh Choon spammed aroound another 200 of the above phrase, but I see no reason why people cannot just repeat the above phrase 200 times themselves, so I have removed the rest. - Yiling

Joab saw stars at 3:25 PM

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* Friday, December 05, 2003 *

Ng Poh Choon, what is your freaking problem? I am tired of confronting you with your less-than-honest-ways of stealing other people's images/lines/words. Especially when the person you steal from happens to be me.

Remember my blog? Well, everyone can attribute the "I look normal. (kind of) I have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 noses 1 nose, black hair that is past my shoulders and growing, and other body parts that look like they belong to the human race" to my lines, and mine alone. But you steal them, go edit a few words, then put it up in Friendster as your description. You think that because I dont have Friendster I dont know? Asshole. Keep this up and let me tell you, even going for plastic surgery will NOT help you get any friends, because you will never be able to change your character, and let me tell you: your character SUCKS.

Our Aim saw stars at 11:56 PM

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Layout by Yiling