* Us *

We are a bunch of lamers and pervertic crappers, who, under the tyranncy of Mrs Chu, united and formed a strong bond that can never be destroyed... (no, actually all above-mentioned is fake. Hey, weren't you listening when we said we were lamers and crappers?)

* Profiles *

Bert ~ NYGH : loves tanning herself : sixer : likes korean shows : enjoys designing webbies : damn skinny : baddie(hehehehe) : loves squabbling with Seline Chan

Yaling ~ Andersonian : Weird/freaky/original/whatever way you wanna see it : Tall : Likes crapping : Hates netball prac : avid Jay fan : likes messing about with HTML/CSS : loves neopets

Mary ~ 27/8/90 : RGS-er : tarbetian : 109 2003 : still looking for her true destiny : wannabe UFOlogist/archaelogist

Pohchoon ~ CHS Freak : 2/13/90 : Failure : Tall, Fat And Chubby : Crappy : Has Loads Of Rubbish To Say : Cheeky : Evil : Wannabe Teacher

Yuen Hung ~ 3/9/90 : RGS/101 gurl : tootified : likes blue, slacking

Seline ~ NYGH : likes tanning & all kinds of music x-cept heavy metal : can crap 4 hrs : potential tagboard spammer

Yuxi ~ NYGH : enjoys crapping & breaking into hysterical laughter : loves to jump about doing nothing : inspired a lot by the literature bk, Alchemist : likes to go mad and visit Woodbridge

Audrey ~ clever/intelligent/high IQ *pukes* : loves all kinds of sports and likes music : wannabe teacher? athelete?

Grace ~ NYGH tenner : lame : crapper : cute and adorable : tanned : loves being under the sun : likes going to the beach : Energy fanatic

Liang Xun ~ TCHS : further known as Lokky, or on a more intimate note, Xunxun, according to Yiling, who was thinking according to Hui Bin : TCHS virtual reality pioneer : Sleeps damn late at night : can sms like siao : lousy at organising things : lousy crapper

* Links *

Sie Mun
Poh Choon
6A class photos

* Archives *

10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

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Messages (smilies)

* Tuesday, January 27, 2004 *

Yay. Finally my toenail made a clean break with my toe. =) Good... zai na li jiu chan bu qing, shen me sai ma.

Yesterday when I went home and took off my socks I saw my toenail hanging... it looked like a door hanging from its hinges, can open shut and open shut and open shut one ^_____^ Me found it horribly disgusting and simply fascinating. I plucked off the nail from the little bit of flesh it was attached to, and then examined it. There was this huge solid clump of dirt and nail or whatever it is. Absolutely fascinating. I am keeping the nail and the dirt, which I dug out. Actually it wasnt the whole nail that fell out... it was only like, 3/5. the rest were like, stuck to the flesh of my feet. It is very horribly interesting now, my toe.

AND netball wan sui! Seniors beat Compassvale, 54 - 3. I DIDNT GO AND WATCH IT TODAY!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

John Nash essay!!! HOW??? I have to hand in on Friday... I may get a start on it today. I still am not clear where I want to start... so how to write? But I am 49% positive that once I start writing, I'll have no problem finishing it... I hope. -___-''


We are SOOOOOOO lucky. A FREE SUB-DOMAIN! GOD! Lalalalalala...

Oh yah, yesterday Sin Yeow handed us 6 or 7 pages of Yue Fei info for the chinese project. Sasa was very surprised and very happy and said that if Sin Yeow cong ming yi dian, hao kan yi dian, then she will like him. In my case, however, he needs to cong ming hen duo dian, hao kan hen duo dian, before I will like him. He may as well just get a brain transplant.

You know what? Today I found out from Xinyi that Yixuan told her Sin Yeow was surfing PORN IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY. Porn. In the SCHOOL LIBRARY. My god. He is either incredibly brave or incredibly brainless. I believe the latter. My god, doesnt he have the common sense to surf porn at HOME or something??? In the school library???????????? Yixuan said she saw the words Asian Pornography on the website. MY GOD............... And once, I remember someone asking him how girls look the best (or something like that, but this is not the point, the point is his ANSWER) and he said something about how girls look the best naked. NAKED. He is SICK. THAT FREAK IS A SICKO PYSCHOTIC PERVERT. FREAK FREAK FREAK.

Our Aim saw stars at 6:43 PM

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* Saturday, January 24, 2004 *


Go see go see! damn cute!! Happy New Year! (a few days late... but whatever.)

Our Aim saw stars at 10:09 PM

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* Thursday, January 22, 2004 *

Why did I blog so many times these days?? *wonders*

Anyway, I dug up the old 6A photos!!! Put them up because it's unfair that 1/7 has a photo page and 6A doesnt =P

Visit and see the cute and adorable us here!!

Which reminds me... Lok has not turned over a new leaf!!!!!!! He saw my I love Dodo entry and told me that he changed it to I LOVE DILDO, SHIOK SHIOK. (...) Lamers will be lamers. And he said that he will stop gayism. That's too bad for his clients and chio bu chinky, ain't it? (God, Faris's influence... His "we should make love, not war" has left a deep impression in my mind...)

Our Aim saw stars at 11:44 PM

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So today we went to my wai po (mum's mum)'s house, like we do every chu yi, and every chu yi we go her house, drink packet drink, eat some new year stuff, say happy new year to everyone we see, and then just sit down and watch TV. I watched TV straight from 1.30 to 3.50pm... And then tried to look as if I knew all those weird people who entered the house and I shook their hands and said Happy New Year and then i would be left alone. (Note: nails are still metallic purple. Only now, at 9.25pm when i am typing this, the purple is rather faded to a silvery one)

When we went home we hitched a ride with my 6th Aunt's lorry... my sis, my 17 yr old girl cousin and my 6th uncle sat in the driver's seat while, my 4th, 6th aunt, my mom and my dad and this guy who i think is my 6th aunt's son too, making him my cousin, sat in the open. Almost every year we take their lorry home. I enjoyed it very much in the past few years, but not so much this year.

Halfway through the ride a speck of sand got into my right eye. It stayed there for the rest of the trip, no matter how I tried to get it out, by rubbing it, pulling up my eyelid, blinking profusely like Sin Yeow... it was a severe irritation and a hindrance to the sight of my right eye. I couldnt keep it open for 5 seconds without blinking. And it was really annoying because it felt exactly like what it was - a speck of sand stuck in my right eye.

To top things off, I didnt tie my hair, thinking that it would be rather interesting to imitate all the Wella hair models who have their long luxurious locks blowing in the wind. Unfortunately, what those Wella people forgot to mention is that if you leave your long hair to the mercy of the very very very powerful wind when you are speeding down the highway at 120km/h, it tangles. That's right. All those single strands of hair get blown about so much that they are terribly afraid they will get ripped out of my scalp and so they twist themselves together with other strands of hair. Forming, of course, lots and lots of tangles. It took me 15 mins to straighten the stupid knots out, at home.

Back to the speck of sand. I was trying desperately to get it out when my sis suggested that I cry to get it out. It struck me that my sis could be the closest to a genius I could ever get. Immediately i turned on the water tap (as Sasa is so familiar with) but the tears failed to wash out the sand. So I was stuck with it all the way through watching the Huang Fei Hong movie at close to 6pm, getting used to the sand in my right eye. Suddenly, i blinked, and the irritation in my eye was gone. God. I dont even know where it went. It was either swallowed up by my eyeball, or it dropped out. Either way I was damn glad.

And because of Vanessa Liu Xinying the stupid tune of the Dodo advertisment ("I love Dodo, SHIOK SHIOK!!") is imprinted in my head. I cannot get rid of it. First Zhen Qing, now this. God.

Our Aim saw stars at 9:34 PM

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Great, isnt it? The first day of CNY, my toenail wants to seperate from my toe. How the hell am I supposed to go out? Wrap my toe in gauze and scotch-tape it?

Me finally satisfied my abalone craving yesterday!! =) Ate steamboat... found out abalone isnt really THAT great... KFC beats it hands down, god.

Painted my nails (fingernails) metallic purple yesterday. Correction: my sister painted my nails metallic purple yesterday. Am staring at my metallic purple nails right now. They look really weird. But cool in a weird way.

She applied the base coat (this shiny thing to make your nails shiny and hard or whatever) and then labouriously painted all 10 of my nails (informing me that i have very small nails, and i was like, netball they dont allow long nails, etc etc), and then it was time for dinner but she hadn't applied the top coat yet, and she decided to leave it after dinner, unfortunately for me i have a fixated obsession with peeling stuff, regardless of whether it is my skin, other people's skin, nails, paint etc, and within 20 minutes i had peeled off the nail polish on 2 fingers, because I saw holes in the paint, and I was like trying to overocme my desire to peel the paint off, but I succumbed to it in the end and peeled them off, and then after I bathed i ruined more paint, so i peeled them off too, and i had 4 fingers without pain, and so my sister removed all the paint with remover, and then did the damn job ALL OVER AGAIN, repeating the process of base varnish coat, first layer purple nail polish, second layer purple nail polish, and finally ending it with a top varnish coat. (........)

Woke up at 8.30 am and the first thing I did was to stare at my nails. How fun... Oh well, they ARE metallic purple.

Our Aim saw stars at 10:38 AM

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* Wednesday, January 21, 2004 *


Our Aim saw stars at 4:06 PM

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* Monday, January 19, 2004 *

heyo ppl!!!why so long nv blog...leave this bloggie so empty....

here to promote school of rock and KEVIN ALEXANDER CLARK!!!!OMG!!!he's so shuai/cool/suave(and wadever stuff u can think of...) u should really watch school of rock if u havent!!!it's a super duper nice movie!!!yea...plus u can see shuai ge(KEVIN ALEXANDER CLARK!!!) hahaha....=D

anyway,tmr i haf celebrations!!wee~!!half day of school and a full day holiday on 21st!!!heehee....happy CNY to all!!!

G saw stars at 11:17 PM

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* Sunday, January 11, 2004 *

Submitted this blog skin to blogskins.com. Very excited to see it =) Already got 1 d/l and 5 stars. Cheers!

Our Aim saw stars at 5:23 PM

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* Saturday, January 10, 2004 *

Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven,
but Earth won't be as fun without you. As a
real optimist and lighthearted person, you
always see the good in things. People probably
respect you for your wonderful personality and
love for life. People like you make the world a
happier place (please rate my quiz)

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

View my blog I changed layout liao!

Our Aim saw stars at 10:17 PM

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* Wednesday, January 07, 2004 *

I think my com is quite alrite now.. meaning i don haf 2 give up my 20 hrs of mp3s! Am going to do a lot of short hand rite now coz i haf a lot to blog about... i didnt haf time yesterday...

Monday - second day of skool

Went to school feeling fine. Stomach began to feel a bit quesy during first second periods.

There is a new bitch from hell. Meet our PE teacher, Ms Jessica Ho, who was an ex Andersonian. She is a bitch and a world classed one. She is only 19 this yr, but she looks damn old. She intro-ed herself n then made us run 3 rounds around th carpark. Then we did pushups, army style, and she made all of us hold b4 we went down, meaning we pressed our palms into the EXTREMELY PAINFUL carpark ground for 20 secs. Next we did sit ups. Then she made us do a HUNDRED JUMPING JACKS. A HUNDRED. 100. Jumping jacks. My arms almost fell off and my hands were totally red from all the clapping above the head. Next we did another 2 rounds around the carpark. I am getting totally sick of the carps in the pond and all the plants. Then the pushups. Then the sit ups. Notice any pattern around here? Yes, unfortunately, we did anothr 100 jumping jacks. Hello?? We had to count loudly when we did them... does she think we're in the army? Then she said there wont be any games until AFTER NAPFA (which is in JULY. JULY!!!!!!!) because she wants all of us to pass. ER, HELLO ONCE AGAIN?? Half the girls got a gold for NAPFA ok?? If she wants to train she should train the guys! I think 3/4 of them failed the run. Pathetic.

After all the cursing while we climbed up to the 4th floor (i have no idea how i did it) my stomach felt rather weird and upset, but I ignored it coz not very serious. After recess it was very bad. I was in terrible pain, the stomach seemed to be churning up and down, something like that... it's indescribable. I felt like vomitting but couldnt vomit out... etc.. Jia accompanied me to the GO to get painkiller, but our GO damn useless, anything oso don haf, so we went to the canteen to get some warm drinks, but the vending machine was all sold out so we got warm water from the drink store auntie and when i drank it i felt like vomitting, but cannot vomit out. Then we climbed to the fourth floor n then i lay for practically the whole time with my head on the table, my stomach felt really really really bad, and in the end we went down to the sick bay, n then i went in n lay for like 30 mins, during which i couldnt turn to any side casually coz my stomach seemed to hurt when i disrupted the position it was used to, then i went back 2 class coz i tot my stomach felt better for chinese, but it started up again n i couldnt really concentrate on the lesson, i was feeling really sick, then jia ran across the road to get me some chinese medicine (sth like the bao zai yan) n i ate it but there didnt seem to be any effect n Sasa being veri concerned for me helped to fan me and Jenna n Jia oso n then Sa n Jia stuffed their bags to make it into some kind of pillow for me so i could hug it to my stomach n then Sasa disappeared 4 a while, i didnt really realise coz my stomach was horrible, then she came back with some weirdo square hard cushion (like a mattress but much smaller n harder) wrapped in black plastic bag and she said she got it from dunno which auntie or sth, i wasnt really hearing, n even though it was no use at all i still must thank her veri much coz she went running all over the skool to do this for me, n i was really touched, n oso felt veri touched coz Jia did everything she could 2 make me feel better, n thank u so much 2 my mom n my sis (Jia n Sasa lah, duh). I also want to thank my manager, Mr Thomas Kwok, for giving me so many opportunities, and also Mediacorp for giving me so many roles, and all my fans and supporters

Vomitted in a plastic bag during art class. Disgusting. Mrs Kamal nor Nicky who sat next to me across the aisle even noticed it. Very surprised coz i made all the vomiting noises. Sasa who sat rite in front noticed it coz she turned around. It's horrible to vomit!! Ur stomach muscles seem to clench up veri tightly, it hurts. I felt a little better after i vomitted. I did a piece of shit for Art. After skool i was tremendously relieved coz the day was veri veri long to me (2.40pm ended). I vomitted the second time in the girls toilet, in the toilet bowl, two times. First time it was some white foamy stuff, immensely disgusting. Second time the foam was more liquidy n yellowish black. It looked very dirty, i was sure it was the "poison" in my body... (-____-'' Pai wu xia pian ah...)

Then Jia accompanied me to take a taxi home. I went home n fell on the sofa (i couldnt lie down because of the pain) n kinda drifted in and out of sleep... I felt much better the next day.

I need to complain about our new timetables lor.. we have this crap thing called Science Research. To heck with it, who cares if only a few schools in Singapore are doing it?? N it is damn freak lor... completely pointless, i m DEFINITELY not doing anything related to science in the future... plus the whole 2.40pm thing. Thanks to that, netball is pushed to 3.30pm to 6.30pm, n coz they oways drag, it ended at 7, i got home at 7.30, n was so damn tired i didnt even go online...

And how can they do this to us?? 1/7 is no more!! 1/7 of 2004 is N(A) batch!!! So technically we dont have any Special/Express stream juniors!! GRRRRRRR. And the stupid sissified male genders in 1/7 r damn rude. I am their SENIOR, n one tt can crush them easily with my fist, so they BETTER THINK CAREFULLY WHEN THEY SPEAK TO ME... tt class was MY CLASS, i haf the right to go in and advertise netball on the board, like every single other CCA ppl...

Our Aim saw stars at 6:52 PM

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* Tuesday, January 06, 2004 *

Yoyo... Popo long time never blog liao...

1st day of school damn sian lehx... Spend 20minutes to find the new classroom in the new school building... then somemore most of the past teachers change liao... lucky new teachers quite friendly... or else die flat... The english teacher talk damn soft.. like mouse squealking *sense myself failing english this year* Omg.. im dead =S

The sec ones! Cool.. senior liao.. can officially *bully* them *evillaughs* Kaoz eh.. their pants and socks so high... then bag carry so high... their specs.. so big and round... so CUTE!!! lol... but also very notti. We go into their class make havoc they chase us out lehx... so guai lan =X

KaOZ... today have the 3hr sian sian course *but at least no need study* so nvm... Hmm... awaits a better year too ^___^ Byebye

Joab saw stars at 9:14 PM

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* Monday, January 05, 2004 *

official 1st day of school!!!=)

well,first lesson was zzc's one....he din ask for hmw(heng ah!!!) juz went on crapping and crapping about some news articles....then later is DANCE!!!HORRIBLE MAN!!!!i tell u hor, that teacher keep saying that our class got a lot of mei nu*looks around* ok...maybe nicole only-_-" then she keep saying we nv streeetch during the hols now become very un-flex -_________-|| i mean who would go and torture herself by streeetching in the hols???

then later got art...mrs tan returned us our mask and went to the garden to take pictures wif the masks...damn furnie lo...=)...then el damn b-o-r-i-n-g...can u believed that the teacher actually spent 1 hr trying to say rules???*rolls eyes* of cuz...i slept thru=)...then the maths teacher very xi xin...he's a very good teacher...i nv fall asleep ok!!!!*maybe due to the fact that i had slept in the lesson b4.....*

yah...that's about all i think....WAIT!!!oh yah!! u noe my junior class 110 is sooooooo quiet man....then we went into their class to wreck havoc...but not fun one...like toking to the wall liddat...no reply -______-|| and my mortal oso very cute leh....she looks like that type very quiet and guai one...i shalll make her become naughty!!way too guai le!!!her socks are damn high lo!!

G saw stars at 8:00 PM

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* Sunday, January 04, 2004 *

It still hasnt hanged!! I have been online for 2 hrs!! Why doesnt this happen at night? At night I get to talk to Grace and Lok! Nao hiah..

So everyone was like staring at the sec 1s when they walked past us at flag raising... I saw this tiny thing wearing socks halfway up his leg... and they all look so innocent... bad, bad bad... we must educate them... they so inno go out will get bullied! My god, the feeling of being a SENIOR is so shiok man...

Excerpt from Jia's blog:

So, went up 4th level..the 2/7 classrm key couldn't open 2/7 classrm door *______*"..den i oso dunno y..but earlier HanHui climbed tru e window to open e lights in e claassrm...man! onli he can climb thru..kEkEx..window summore...*shakes head*

Den after ALOT of fuss, finally realise suppose 2 use e classrm next door *pengxXx*..nvm..yep..den walked wit hikin ard e sch..trying to get glimpses of e Sec1's..but never see alot..onli a few...O!O! dere's was tis really cute sec1 kid!! he short short small small..den he's spec are round one leh!! as in really circular lor!! I've never seen circle specs b4!! so damn cute!!

JIA BROUGHT ME THE ENTIRE SET OF CARD CAPTOR SAKURA MANGA!!!!!! I LOVE HER!! Syaoran rox!! He so cute! Sakura so kawaii neh!! ^^ I finished them yesterday... the finale was really romantic! Rox! Gosh, now I know why people wanna hide form reality... I mean, look at Syaoran... *_________* So young yet so real...

Anderson getting more relac by each year lor.. this year they allow us wear our t shirts OVER our pinafore on casual friday... and they allow anke socks with our sports shoes... cool rite??

And GOD I GOT SABO-ED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amy how can you do this to me?? WHY?? WHY?? I dowan be vice head!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR... at least i just vice head lah hor, Jia DA woman of the year... mebbe vice head quite relaxing coz when Faris was the vice head he bully nicky and make him do all the work.... but i cant do tt to my poor Jiajia!!! Ah dui...

Our Aim saw stars at 3:51 PM

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Nah beh... stupid computer... i wanna blog about my cute and adorable sec 1s!!! But i dont dare blog here because I fraid it will hang... i also wanna blog about my sabo!!! How can they?? How can Amy?? Now I am the VICE CLASS HEAD!!!!!!! HELLO??? And poor Jia... 23 votes... class head =D Better her than me anyway... Nicky bad!! Si oso dowan be class head again... Hmph... Me also wanna blog about the Card Captor Sakura manga series i borrow from jia!! She brot me the entire set on Fri! I finished them yesterday... SYAORAN IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is only supposed to be 10/11... but he still looks so manly... ^_______^ I will blog in detail AFTER my cmputer is fixed.

Our Aim saw stars at 1:45 PM

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hmmm....this blog is very empty this few days....nobody blog here this few days...awww...and our dear yaling com spoil so she wun be updating too...sad...ppl!!BLOG!!!!!!!!!

G saw stars at 11:05 AM

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Layout by Yiling